Wednesday, January 25, 2006

12 Week Sonogram

We have been waiting for this day! The 12 week sonogram! Although we are still waiting for the results of my blood tests, everything seems to be progressing well. It was so amazing to see the little fingers and toes. Unfortunately, no sign of a girl or a boy yet! We are so excited to finally tell our friends...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Chinese Lunar Calendar

Well, being that I live in China and all...I thought it wise for me to consult the ancient Chinese Lunar Calendar gender prediction chart. According to this ancient method of's a girl! Additionally, during Debbie's recent visit, we visited a fortune teller at the Temple Street Night Market. His prediction was that I would have a girl first and then a boy. So the Chinese mystical signs seem to be pointing to a girl. All of that being said, I just have a gut feeling that it is a boy....

Monday, January 02, 2006

Things I miss...

The first six weeks were easy...but then the nausea set in! It is very unusual for me to have no appetite and turn green at the sight of food! Even so, I am really starting to miss some of my favorite foods like...oysters, red wine, soft cheeses, sushi, and brie and cranberry sandwiches from Pret a Manger!

Telling our Families

My mom opening up the sonogram on Christmas morning. I think she looks surprised! Although the first thing she said to me was..."But, you just bought a new coat that won't fit you now!" Mothers are always so practical...